When I first meet a new patient, we will typically spend 60 to 90 minutes together. This will be a comprehensive evaluation. During this time, we will discuss what is troubling them, their symptoms, and ask many questions about their family, medical history, personal and psycho-social history. I will conduct very thorough screenings during this period for ADHD, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, psychosis; and variations thereof. I will be ruling out certain disorders and searching for the cause of the patient’s symptoms and discomfort. This is also a time for us to meet and determine if we desire to work together. Some good news; you don’t have to fill out a ream of forms, that is my job!

If we don’t find any underlying physical condition for the symptoms, and have ruled out or Situational Depression or Anxiety; I will recommend a treatment plan that is agreeable with the patient and also a program with proven results. This plan may be focused on medication management and augmented with psychotherapy. Or it may include referring or augmenting them with a team member for EMDR, Ketamine treatment, Brainspotting, or other therapy.

I may ask the patient to get a physical examination to either confirm or rule out any physical condition responsible for the symptoms. I will also offer the patient the opportunity for genetic testing to help us target the best medication that they will respond to. We will also discuss the need for counseling and other therapies or the need to augment the medication management with these therapies. Here are some. I have a holistic approach to treatment and if we can or need to involve other non-medication therapies to the treatment program we will do so.