Why is There a Shortage of Adderall

Since the summer of 2022 there has been a shortage in Adderall and now, all stimulants used to treat ADHD.  Adderall has been the primary medication used to treat ADHD. The FDA has confirmed that there is a shortage due labor shortages Teva, the manufacturer. Additionally increased diagnoses in ADHD has driven up the demand in recent years. The trickle-down effect has added tremendous shortages even in generic medications. Adding to the factor is the government setting quotas on how much of the methamphetamine can be produced.

Illegal websites have also been writing prescriptions. Even legitimate telehealth companies have been prescribing as well and now coming under scrutiny. Especially those who have been prescribing high doses. Pharmacies across the United States have been struggling to meet the demand and have not taken on any new patients in need of Adderall. Patients are suffering due to this supply issue and this trickle-down effect will affect us all. Adderall has been over-prescribed over the years and is under great scrutiny and the future for legitimate uses of Adderall might be questionable.

Other Medications for ADHD

  • Atomoxetine
  • Guanfacine
  • Clonidine

Atomoxetine is a SNRI selective norepinephrine inhibitor used to to treat depression and works for ADHD. Guanfacine and Clonidine are alfa-blockers used to treat hypertension and work for ADHD as well. The beta-blockers such as Atenolol work for ADHD as well as anxiety. Often getting pre-authorizations from the insurance companies for these newer medications can be as difficult as getting the Adderall. This crisis might motivate the pharmaceutical companies to develop better medications for treating ADHD which are non-addictive, and insurance companies to ease off on the pre-authorizations. Read about ADHD treatment.


Last update December 23, 2022