Anxiety Depression OCD Inflammation

CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND MENTAL HEALTH Surprising as it may seem, inflammation plays a role in anxiety, depression, OCD, and most other health disorders. Inflammation is the new buzzword in medicine yet it seems to be a vague and unclear subject to understand. This...

Cannabis and Mental Health

Marijuana and Mental Health Marijuana (Cannabis) shares a close relationship with mental illness in several ways. Studies show that those suffering from a mental health issue might use marijuana at twice the rate of the general population. We’re not sure if this...

The Adderall Shortage

Why is There a Shortage of Adderall Since the summer of 2022 there has been a shortage in Adderall and now, all stimulants used to treat ADHD.  Adderall has been the primary medication used to treat ADHD. The FDA has confirmed that there is a shortage due labor...